kǝ • sūˊ • pē  ǀ  language of origin: Chichewa  ǀ  English translation: spring well; a source of water from the ground; an ultimate source, especially of action or motion

  • Construction of PEACE Kindergarten was completed in 2005, and today, with the addition of our the Chikowa Campus, Kasupe’s Kindergarten Program continues its work of preparing over 150 orphans and other less-privileged children each year from the Kasupe impact area for primary school education.

  • School fees, uniforms, medical care (as needed), and daily meals are provided for the kindergarten students at no cost to families.


  • ANNUAL SPONSORHIP COST PER STUDENT (including Daily Meal Program):  $40

  • ANNUAL SPONSORSHIP COST PER STUDENT (Daily Meal Program only):  $15

KINDERGARTEN PROGRAM (peace & chikowa campuses)
